My Perfect Image is here to share my journey from hair loss worry to hair transplant surgery, my nightly fear of waking up to find even more hairs on my pillow, through to the renewed confidence gained in my appearance since hair transplant surgery and hair cosmetics.
My name is Khalon. This is my story and I’m sharing it with you.
I first noticed my receding hairline when I was 20 years old. In the beginning I thought nothing of it. I was getting older and took it to be a part of life. I didn’t think hair loss would affect who I was. At the age of 22 I realised my hair was falling out much faster than most of the people my age. That’s when I became self-conscious about my hairline. It didn’t help my confidence when people pointed out my growing baldness.
So there I was: 22 and going bald. I then realised that, all the people out there who care about going bald, cared about their growing baldness for one very good reason: Confidence. People want to feel attractive.
Old or young when you’re out and about, hitting on women or you’re preparing for a job interview, you always want to look your best. When you’re all psyched up ready to get that once in a life time job or pull that stunningly seductive woman stood at the bar, but then catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror just as you’re about to give it your best… One glance of seeing thin patches of hair loss dotted around your scalp and you feel all that built up confidence slip out of your body like a bad friend stabbing you in the back.
What really made my heart sink into the pit of my stomach was when people uploaded photos of me to social media sites. They meant no harm. They didn’t know how concious I felt about my receded hairline. But those pictures took my confidence from me, more than anything else could do.
Some people fixate on their weight, others on clothes, some on the shape of their legs… I fixated on my hair loss. Body dysmorphic disorder was my nemesis; and it was killing my confidence and getting in the way of my life.
I decided enough was enough. I had to fix this. I would either shave my head or try to keep what I had.
That’s when I started buying hair regrowth products, hair growth stimulants and vitamins reputed to improve hair health. All played their part in helping me keep hair on my head, but none gave me back my hairline.
At 24 years young, I started looking at hair transplant surgery.
I researched surgery costs, the types of operation that could be done, the effects they have later in life and what hair transplant procedures involve.
I read all the reviews of hair transplant surgeons I could find. After a lot of research I found a clinic with great reviews and an affordable surgery price that didn’t make the rest of my hair fall out.
The only problem: location. The surgery I found was in Turkey and I’m in the UK.
It took a whole year of thinking about the operation every day, reading about the procedure, watching videos, contacting different clinics, reading reviews, looking at flights and constantly talking about hair loss and remedial surgery before one night I was up late and it hit me: had I done this a year ago I would already have my results – a new hairline I could be proud of and a lot more confidence in my appearance; if I wait another year I will be telling myself the same thing next year.
With my heart pounding, I was looking at flights to Turkey. After 30 minutes of feeling the adrenaline rush surging through my body as I swayed back and forth, on the brink of “shall I, shan’t I”, I finally built up the courage to press BUY and bought the tickets!
It was the best and most overwhelming positive feeling I have enjoyed since I could remember.
A few weeks later, my hair transplant operation was done. The anaesthetic injections in my scalp hurt like hell but pain relief quickly kicked in all I could think about was how my hair would look after the op. The 6 hour operation was tiresome. It was all worth it. As soon as I saw my new hairline I knew I had only one regret: I should have done it sooner.
My Perfect Image is my biographical hair transplant story. Follow my journey from hair loss worry to hair remedial surgery joy. You will learn which medical products you could use to slow hair loss, which products you might use to restore lost hair, how I felt watching my hair slip away from me, how it feels to have hair transplant surgery and how I feel now.
I have taken daily photos of my post op hairline since the day the surgery was performed. I will keep taking photos until 1 full year has passed. Follow my results for a year of post op reports in my blog and photo gallery.
I’m writing this blog to share my story to the world, to offer first-hand hair loss experience and to hopefully help you make informed decision about your next steps to recovering your hair.